Weather Forecast for the City of Buenos Aires

A heatwave is expected in Buenos Aires with temperatures reaching up to 35° during the next week. Weekend without rain and minimum temperatures of 23° and maximums of 31°.

Weather Forecast for the City of Buenos Aires

The weather in Buenos Aires City will be hot in the coming days. By afternoon, temperatures are expected to reach up to 31°C. During the weekend, temperatures will range between a minimum of 23°C and a maximum of 31°C, with no chance of rain.

For Monday, January 3, a heatwave is forecasted that will raise temperatures to 35°C. Morning and afternoon temperatures are anticipated to be around 30°C, while at night they will drop to 25°C.

Thursday, January 30, will start with a temperature of 22°C and clear skies. By afternoon, it is expected that the heat will reach 29°C, with no rain in sight.

On Friday, January 31, prior to the weekend, a sunrise of 23°C is predicted with no chance of rain. However, the heatwave is expected to return and temperatures may rise to 35°C, with occasional clouds that could block the sun.

Wednesday, January 29, will start cloudy with a minimum temperature of 21°C and a slight precipitation chance of 10%. The last week of January has had light rains that have refreshed the city, although the day is expected to be typical of summer despite the morning cloudiness.